
Broken car is a blessing

On the way to work today, my mind was lost in the fact that 2 weeks ago Greg and Heather had their baby girl. It was a sad morning and WMHK seemed to know it with the playlist that made me even more teary-eyed. I had just gotten off the interstate and onto the road that takes me straight to work when BAM! Something sounded like it exploded in my car and immediately it started driving funny. I still had 5 miles to go until I reached the parking lot and there was no place to pull over. I let it idle for what seemed like an hour all the way to work. I was shaking and scared. I had no idea what to do. When I got to work, I opened the hood and the big fan that sits in the front of the car to cool the engine was now sitting on top of the engine and a belt wasn't where it was supposed to be. Awesome.

I said a little prayer and that's all it took. My very next thought was THANK YOU GOD! He got me off the interstate before my car broke down. (Goodness knows you can't go 20 mph on the interstate and not get run over!) I didn't have Ella with me and He guided me all the way to work safely. He is so good!! The major damage done to my car should have immediately sent me into a bad mood or even a panic, but instead I praised God for keeping me safe. I like to think not having a panic attack over this "big deal" is a small victory. God is hearing my prayers. I'm learning to give it to God. It's a process, but I'm so glad for today. God is good! This was a blessing.

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