
An inspiration

Reading the Kasowski's blog on how they are coping with their loss, I've seen how strong their faith is. I teared up reading the words "God is faithful" from a recommended post. Greg and Heather have a church to call home. We don't.

Adam and I have been looking for a "church home" for 10 years. Sounds silly, I know. We've been traveling 45 minutes away to a church in Camden that we love. We feel good there. It feels right to be there. The problem is that it's 45 minutes away and now we have a child that we want to be active in church. So, we've been searching for a church in Columbia. I know we've been to at least 10 different churches. We were the youngest (by far) at a few, we experienced contemporary services when we prefer traditional, we've been yelled at by pastors so that we felt bad about ourselves when we left and we've visited churches that are not the "same flavor" of the churches we grew up in just to see if we fit in. We almost joined a church that was so big that the only people we recognized from week to week was the choir director and the pastor. No matter how many times we visit the same church, until we join and make the church "our's," we will always feel like visitors. I feel desperate to find somewhere to belong.

I keep thinking about "what if" we have a tragedy in our lives. We wouldn't have a church family to help support us. That makes me so sad. Ella needs church friends. We've got to join some where and fast! I pray we find the best for us to grow spiritually and physically. Greg and Heather have given me new motivation to make that happen. I appreciate them so much. They've done so much to help this family and they don't even know it.

Keep praying for them. Their grieving will get better and then get worse again. It's a cycle that no one can truly understand, but them. I want to be there for them and also thank them for being an inspiration.

1 comment:

Gissy said...

You guys are welcome to come with me to Trenholm Road one Sunday. Granted, I'm still just a visitor there myself, but I feel very welcomed by everyone and very much at home. It feels like the church I grew up in. I think I'll probably be joining there soon, and it will be so nice to have a "church home" again! Love you guys!